Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Your Morning Giggle: Meet Angie, the Adorable Fetching Cat

In the morning when I write, I'm pretty much at the mercy of my cat, Angie. She dictates when and how much I write by periodically flopping on my lap or laying across my keyboard, essentially destroying what little focus I have. When she's really feeling feisty, she'll drop a pom pom (or in this case, a toy mouse) in my lap, leap to the floor and turn to look at me as if to say "Game ON!" Now really, who could resist a chance to play fetch, indoors, with a CAT? So, here's to you, Angie, for reminding me to write, live (and play) in the moment!


  1. ahh! that's my kind of cat!

  2. We like to think we're the luckiest cat owners in the world because she's so funny. I think Rhythm must be right up there too!
