Saturday, February 1, 2014

What's New?

Heck, I’ve been busy. Between the holidays, work, family, writing, and one too many knitting projects, my blog (and my house) have been collecting flourishing colonies of dust bunnies. It’s time to fire up the vacuum cleaner, don my weaponry, focus, and get to work, both at cleaning my house and at blogging.

So for those of you who were wondering (is there anybody out there?) what I’ve been up to, here’s a quick look at what’s been happening with my books and my writing:

Great News! Scholastic has licensed the paperback and audio rights to BUG PATROL. Look for the paperback version to be in school book club flyers soon! If an audio version is available, I wonder, just who will be the “voice” behind Captain Bob? Will it be Samuel L. Jackson? Tom Hanks? Robin Williams? (um… probably NOT on all three counts-but it is nice to dream!).

I’ve submitted a longer picture book manuscript and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will sell. It is a very different type of work for me—it’s actually a serious story based on a family member’s true experience—more historical fiction than non-fiction, but an important story nonetheless—and one that I’ve been working on for over ten years. I’ll keep you posted on its status.

I’ve also written a fun fractured fairy tale that I’m hoping to get out the door soon.

Over the past several months, I’ve made lots of stops and met some amazing adults and little friends at area bookstores, libraries and schools. Some of the places I’ve visited include the Princeton Children’s Book Festival, Water Street Books in Exeter, NH, Haworth Public Library, Teaneck Public Library, Rice Library in Kittery, ME, Lake Hiawatha Public Library, Chancellor Avenue School in Irvington, Womrath’s Books, in Tenafly, the Bergenfield Public Library and St. Patrick’s School in Chatham, NJ. Here are some highlights of those visits:

Kittery Rice Library visit at a local nursing home, Kittery, ME

Amazing display alongside Origami Yoda poster at Water Street Books, Exeter, NH

Sharing my books under the shade of tall trees on a hot summer day in Teaneck, NJ

Happy crafters at Lake Hiawatha Library, Parsippany, NJ

Hanging with my friend and book partner, illustrator Melissa Iwai, at Princeton Children's Book Festival 

Signing books at Chancellor Avenue School, Irvington, NJ

Halloween spider-making at Womrath's Books, Tenafly, NJ


  1. Keep up the great work and momentum. Looking forward to reading more stories from you.

    1. Thanks, MG! I'm hoping to write lots more--if only there were more hours in a day!

  2. What a wonderful, busy time-- and best of luck with the longer PB manuscript!

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! Fingers and toes crossed. I'll be sure to let you know!
